Josh Richards, Boundless Learning

Introduce yourself in three words or phrases.

Mindful. Lighthearted. Purposeful.

What do you like most about your job?

I get to work with and provide guidance to an amazing team of professionals at Boundless Learning who are focused on using technology to make a difference in people’s lives by connecting them to accessible and inclusive educational experiences. I feel fulfilled when I see the investments we make coming together to provide tangible outcomes for our learners, employees and partners. 

Best work trip/Worst work trip?

One of the most memorable experiences of my life was getting the opportunity to visit India in 2011. It was when technology service outsourcing was really starting to take off and there was a lot of controversy around the practice that made me apprehensive about our plans. When I landed, I immediately fell in love with the people and the culture; India was vibrant, warm, and on the brink of transformation. 

That trip made a lasting impression on me and created many professional and personal friendships that have persisted over the years. In addition, it enhanced my ability to think differently about how to leverage resource models to deliver high-quality – and more affordable – technology solutions.   

One of the most inconvenient trips I have been on was down in Orlando, Florida, when a hurricane was making its way through on the day I was flying home. All of the flights started to cancel, and staying at the hotel didn’t feel like the right option, so a few of us were able to get flights out of West Palm Beach and wound up driving down together.

The company was pleasant, but it wasn’t the experience any of us were hoping for or the downtime we needed after an intense few days of meetings. However, it did include some good music, and a true road trip stop to get fuel and snacks.

If you could learn a language instantly, which would you pick and why?

Spanish. My husband is from Peru, and while we speak English at home together, some of his family does not. For those who don’t speak English, we communicate with body language and translators, but I would love to be able to understand each other fully and not have a language barrier. While it won’t happen overnight, I do continue to learn and want to commit to being fluid.

What makes you get up in the morning?

People. I love the connections that I have and continue to make. Everyone has something unique to contribute to this world, and getting to know people and what motivates them keeps me going.

Champion/cheerleader which we should all follow and why?

Daniel Goleman. He has brought the importance of emotional intelligence to the forefront of business, and he continues to focus on how, as professionals, we can get the most out of one another and our relationships.

Best international ed conference and why

The Holon IQ Back to School Summit in New York City is fast-paced, but intimate as well. The conference focuses on how education is evolving and explores the role we all can play.  The learner is front and centre at Holon IQ, and this year, I had the chance talk about how Boundless Learning is leveraging our capabilities to provide meaningful and relevant experiences for learners of all kinds. I also got to listen to many great speakers and panelists on topics like AI in education and life-long learning strategies.

Worst conference food/beverage experience

There isn’t one experience that stands out as the worst, but there is a reoccurring theme: mayonnaise on everything. I am an adventurous eater, but for some reason mayo just doesn’t do it for me, so I find myself having to hunt and peck for something to eat.

Book or podcast recommendation for others in the sector?

“Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown is a book I would recommend to everyone. The overarching message is that leadership is a shared responsibility and that you must always remain curious, be courageous, and – most importantly – show empathy.

Describe a project or initiative you’re currently working on that excites you.

Boundless Learning has more than 30 years of experience in online education, and we have been able to take that knowledge and apply it the corporate market.  Through a recent partnership with Sassoon Academy, we are bringing their history and wealth of content to new audiences with our learning experience suite. 

Their new site will launch in November. It will feature an immersive online experience that not only builds out a new business model for Sassoon, but also creates a cohesive set of learning paths and certifications. This enhances accessibility in a way that both brings career opportunities to those interested in hairdressing and establishes a new way of learning for those who are just getting started. It’s not the traditional market we have worked in, but it has shown me how our pedigree in online learning can traverse many different industries.

The post Josh Richards, Boundless Learning appeared first on The PIE News.

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