Stephen Orme, Studyportals and EAIE

Introduce yourself in three words or phrases.

I’m curious and quite strategic. And I like to hang around with people.

What do you like most about your job?

It allows me to meet with a lot of people. What I like about my current job is it allows me to combine all of that and have strategic conversations with very strategic people to see how we can set up partnerships so that they work for them and they work for us. And when you find that middle ground, that’s what I really love.

Best work trip/Worst work trip?

The best ones have been the places where you wouldn’t normally go. I’ve been to Kazakhstan, for instance, which was really, really nice and surprising.

The domestic plane somebody booked for me with an airline ranked top five worst in the world was the worst work trip experience because it was quite scary.

If you could learn a language instantly, which would you pick and why?

I would say Spanish because I like Spain, I’ve been there on holiday quite a few times. In fact, I was there last week for a few days to charge the battery before this busy [EAIE] conference.

I do like the language and it’s very useful in life. I think it’s sort of straightforward. It’s something that is easy to do, but very important.

What makes you get up in the morning?

Probably my curiosity. What’s this day going to bring? I don’t want to miss anything. What’s the point of staying in bed?

Best international ed conference and why?

I may be biased in that, but it’s EAIE for me.

I really like this conference because it’s more than a conference – it’s a community all year round and the conference is the best part of that. That’s what makes me want to do this role, so that we can see how we can maybe leverage that for more people.

To open this up to them and show them what else they can do rather than just attend a conference, how that enhances their careers and how they can also serve the community and the education sector, I think that is a really good thing.

Worst conference food/beverage experience?

I got food poisoning at a conference once. It was probably some sort of paella that had been sitting for a long time.

Describe a project or initiative you’re currently working on that excites you.

It’s really nice to be here as a board member but also in my capacity as [working for] Studyportals. It’s a good combination because you get to speak to and get to know a lot of people. To do both is just great – it feels like two conferences.

The post Stephen Orme, Studyportals and EAIE appeared first on The PIE News.

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